Word 2002 macro error


Tom Klekamp

Recently, when I start MS Word I receive an error: "MS
Visual Basic - The macros in this project are disabled.
Please refer to the online help of documentation of the
host application to determine how to enable macros."

Associated with the error is another screen: C:\Program
contains macros and then a [disable][enable] switch.

In addition, I briefly saw a message reporting that the
above files "was still infected"

I have recently downloaded and ugraded all the patches
and security updates for MS Office and Windows XP.


Lisa Penshorn [MSFT]

Hi Tom,

It sounds like you might have a template in the startup folder that might be causing the problem.
Check the Office startup folder and see if any templates are located in this location. If find templates in this folder, drag them
to the desktop. Once you have removed them test to see if you still get the error in Word. The folder location is as follows:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE10\STARTUP

Let me know your results!

Lisa Penshorn, MCSE
Microsoft Technical Support for Business Applications


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