Word 2002 mail merge into a table



I have a 12 column table where I'm merging data from a data source. The data
in the columns are variable length so word wrap is on. In a perfect world 16
lines would fit on the page but because the comments column could be very
wordy, the table may overflow to the next page (and usually does). The
overflowing is good but when the page breaks after the 16 lines, I am losing
the 17 line and start printing the next page with the 18 line information. I
have page headers and footers but removing them did not solve the problem.
If the total merged data is 50 lines, I lose the 17 and 34 lines, this is

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Do you have any Next Record fields in there?

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via msnews.microsoft.com


thank you for your response. I'm including a line from my table:

«Merge Record » «memname» «sin» «oowdate» «remarks» «preference» «memcsts»
«ossa» «tkt» «pcst» «otherorders» «Next Record»

all the table rows are the same and I do get my 16 rows properly populated
but the 17 goes missing and then 18-34 populate properly but the 35 goes
missing, etc.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If this is set up as a label merge, then you don't want the «Next Record»
field in the first row. It would probably make more sense to set this up as
a catalog merge, which requires just one row (and no «Next Record» field at
all IIRC). Rereading your original post, though, I think the problem is the
spillover; if this is set up as a label merge, then each page is a separate
section, and the rows would ordinarily be set to an exact row height. Any
excess would be lost.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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