Word 2002 not compatible with Norton Anti Virus 2003


Gene Pitts

Help, please! I am have having a very difficult time with
Norton A-V 2003 and Word 2002 interaction running on a
Windows 98 platform; ready to throw the Norton out despite
SoBig, Blaster, etc. Dell w. Pentium IV regularly freezes
when I try to work on Word *.doc's, and while I've
switched off Norton scanning of MS files from my machine,
it still freezes on Eudora "In Basket" items. I can get
around this by opening Word from shortcut and then
browsing to proper Eudora attachment, but this is the long
way around and very annoying.

Is Mcafee any better? Am I better off if I spring for XP
and use that security? More angry now at Norton/Symantec
than worm-breeders.
Thanks for whatever help....
Gene Pitts

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