Mama Peach
I am mocking up a brochure. I used the picture toolbar to import a photo for
the cover, and text wrapping to put it in the background behind the title and
subtitle. Now the wrapping tools are grayed out and I can't seem to "grab"
the photo to size it to fit better in my available space. So I thought I'd
size it outside and then drop it in but I can't seem to move the old photo to
the foreground to grab it and get rid of it. Read all the help stuff, tried
it again and doubled my mistake--now two pix in the background. :-Z I saw a
similar question RE Word 2007 but I don't think I have the operative tool
(big white arrow on left) in my version of Word. I have four more brochures
to go for this project and others for future projects so your help would be
greatly appreciated and a good future investment. My best.
the cover, and text wrapping to put it in the background behind the title and
subtitle. Now the wrapping tools are grayed out and I can't seem to "grab"
the photo to size it to fit better in my available space. So I thought I'd
size it outside and then drop it in but I can't seem to move the old photo to
the foreground to grab it and get rid of it. Read all the help stuff, tried
it again and doubled my mistake--now two pix in the background. :-Z I saw a
similar question RE Word 2007 but I don't think I have the operative tool
(big white arrow on left) in my version of Word. I have four more brochures
to go for this project and others for future projects so your help would be
greatly appreciated and a good future investment. My best.