Word 2002 slow to open



Using MS Word 2002, latest service patches.

A while ago I notice that word documents (.doc files) were taking a long
time to open (i.e 10-15 seconds just to open a small document). It used to
be almost immediate.

In the Folder Options, under File Types settings for "doc" files, the
default action of "Open" was set to:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE" /n /dde

Use DDE was ticked.

DDE message
[REM _DDE_Direct][FileOpen("%1")]


Why use DDE? ...
I found (after a lot of messing about) that if I deleted the "DDE message"
and changed the Open command to:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE" "%1"
then the doc files opened immediately again. However, after a few days/week
it became slow again and I found the settings had reverted to what they were
before. Changing them again fixed it until a few more days/weeks passed and
they reverted yet again.

Does anyone know how to make the changes stick or, assuming I am messing
about with the symptoms and not the cause, have any idea what the real
problem might be?


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