Word 2002 - SP3 - User Information


Catherine L

A colleague created a standard image including an installation of Office Word
2002 SP3. This standard image has been rolled out to the company and now my
colleague has left the company.

When a user logs onto their PC's and clicks Word> Tools>Options>User
Information tab my colleague names appears in error.

We have a few hundred PC's and I wondered if there was a quick way of
changing the name in the User Information tab to reflect the person that is
actually logged onto the PC rather than the name of my colleague who has left
the company.

Thank you for your help.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the article "How to get the username of the current user" at:


Then use a macro with

Application.UserName to set the name to that of the current user.

Or you could just create an autoexec macro with the following code:

If Application.UserName = "Name of the Departed" Then
Application.UserName = InputBox("Please Enter Your Name.", "Set User
End If

which would just run the first time that a user started Word.

It's probably more trouble to distribute the above methods of doing this
automatically that to just send an email message to all users telling the to
use Tools>Options>User Information and enter their details into the dialog
box that appears.
Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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