Word 2002 - Table Borders from one doc to another?



Word 2002 -

If I create a simple table in one document and shut off the borders
(all or some off) and then paste it into another document, the table
shows up with the borders turned back on. It doesn't seem to matter if
there is any content in the second doc, or if I paste into another
table, whatever. The borders always turn on when I paste.

The tables involved are simple, with a couple of rows and a few
columns. Oddly, if I make the table more complex with nested tables
and a wide selection of borders on and off, they paste accurately.

Is there a fix for this?

Stefan Blom

I believe this indicates a style conflict between the two documents.

Does it make a difference if you format the table with a custom table style
(with the desired formatting) before pasting?

Alternatively, you could use the Paste Options button, and choose to keep
the source formatting.

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