Word 2002



For a while it kept saying to put in the cd. I did and nothing would happen.
At times it would be hard to look at what I saved. So yesterday I decided to
unistall it and reinstall. It said Works cannnot access one or more
requirement files.. The files may have been renamed, deleted, or
removed....well I removed microsoft picture it! 2002. It still don't work.
Says also something like dynamic link library wkwfx.dll.

wkswp.exe- entry point not found The proedure entry
point??1CWfxToolBarControl@@MAE@XE could not be located in the dynamic link
library WKWF.DLL.

I've tried to install work 8 from this website and it don't want to run.

When I try to run word 8 it says:

c:\Program Files\works8.exe is not valid Win32 application.

What does that mean?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Your subject line and message body don't match. Are you using Word 2002
(perhaps as part of Works Suite) or Works 8? If the latter, you need to post
in the Works discussion group.

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