For a while it kept saying to put in the cd. I did and nothing would happen.
At times it would be hard to look at what I saved. So yesterday I decided to
unistall it and reinstall. It said Works cannnot access one or more
requirement files.. The files may have been renamed, deleted, or
removed....well I removed microsoft picture it! 2002. It still don't work.
Says also something like dynamic link library wkwfx.dll.
wkswp.exe- entry point not found The proedure entry
point??1CWfxToolBarControl@@MAE@XE could not be located in the dynamic link
library WKWF.DLL.
I've tried to install work 8 from this website and it don't want to run.
When I try to run word 8 it says:
c:\Program Files\works8.exe is not valid Win32 application.
What does that mean?
At times it would be hard to look at what I saved. So yesterday I decided to
unistall it and reinstall. It said Works cannnot access one or more
requirement files.. The files may have been renamed, deleted, or
removed....well I removed microsoft picture it! 2002. It still don't work.
Says also something like dynamic link library wkwfx.dll.
wkswp.exe- entry point not found The proedure entry
point??1CWfxToolBarControl@@MAE@XE could not be located in the dynamic link
library WKWF.DLL.
I've tried to install work 8 from this website and it don't want to run.
When I try to run word 8 it says:
c:\Program Files\works8.exe is not valid Win32 application.
What does that mean?