Word 2003/2007 crashes upon keyboard input



When I open or create a file, Word opens normally. I am able to select menu
items, change settings, scroll the page, etc. Everything seems fine until I
touch the keyboard. At the first keypress, I get the "... Word encountered a
problem and needs to close..."

The same behavior is displayed by Wordpad.

This does not happen in Powerpoint, Excel, Notepad - they work normally.

I have tried deleting my networked printers and adding them back in.... I

Terry Farrell

Perform this test in Safe Mode. From Start, Run, type in

winword /a

and press enter. Test typing now. Does it still crash?


Yes - Still crashes

Terry Farrell said:
Perform this test in Safe Mode. From Start, Run, type in

winword /a

and press enter. Test typing now. Does it still crash?

Terry Farrell

Remove all the printers you have installed and then install just one LOCAL
printer. It doesn't really matter if you don't have a printer, Word just
needs to see the driver correctly. If you have a full install of Office
2007, you may find that you have an XPS or an Image Writer driver installed.
If so, set one of those as the Windows default. Then test Word again. Does
it still crash on typing?



Terry - In our enviroment, we had the user connected to an TCP/IP printer and
she also had an XPS printer. I have removed both and added both., and still
no luck. I also tried the (local - XPS) printer but still no luck...

What could be causing word to Open, mouse clicks are OK, (bold, underline),
but the second anykeyboard button is pressed word crashes....

Terry Farrell

Because it is doing this when Word is in Safe Mode and is not making any
sense, I suspect that possibly it is corrupt user profile. Try logging in as
a different user and see if it still crashes.



Terry- I know. I'm a MCP and I cant figure this out....

I tried agian in safe mode... Still crashes.
Nothing wrong with the user profile... It crashes as a local and a domain

OpenOffice.... works fine... hahaha.

any other ideas...

Terry Farrell

Well I am now clutching straws! Uninstall Word 2007 and then reinstall it.
If it still crashes on keyboard input, I'd reformat my HDD (after saving
anything important) and reinstall Windows and Office.



Terry - I have dont the Install/Uninstall 2 times. Word STILL just crashes...

I'm not going to reformat the HDD just for Word... I'll just have the user
use OpenOffice... :(

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