Word 2003 and AutoFormat



Using Word 2003 on Windows XP SP1.

Have a document that displays fine on a 17" monitor in native resolution
(1280X1024, 32bit) but on a 15" monitor in native resolution (1024X768,
32bit) the AutoFormating dispaly " (quotes) and - (dashes) as black boxes.

Have not found anything in the MS knowledge base regarding this problem.
Have applied the Office 2003 SP1 but it did not help. Besides turning off
AutoFormat does anyone know if there is a fix for this?

- R. Grant Getz
IT / Desktop Systems Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0101



Sounds like one computer is using a font with SmartQuotes (curly quotes)
working correctly. The other computer doesn't have the identical font and is
substituting the font to one without SmartQuotes,

: Using Word 2003 on Windows XP SP1.
: Have a document that displays fine on a 17" monitor in native resolution
: (1280X1024, 32bit) but on a 15" monitor in native resolution (1024X768,
: 32bit) the AutoFormating dispaly " (quotes) and - (dashes) as black boxes.
: Have not found anything in the MS knowledge base regarding this problem.
: Have applied the Office 2003 SP1 but it did not help. Besides turning off
: AutoFormat does anyone know if there is a fix for this?
: - R. Grant Getz
: IT / Desktop Systems Technology
: Arizona State University
: Tempe, AZ 85287-0101



Thanks for taking a shot at this but both computers have been imaged from
the same image. No chance that one has fonts that the other doesn't. But
you gave me an idea that another app has replaced the Word font being used
with one that does not scale well. Thanks!

- Grant

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