Word 2003 and Stedman medical spellchecker



I recently got a new computer set-up from work which is using Word
2003. Stedman version 6 medical dictionary and spellchecker are
installed but it isn't interfacing with Word. When I type medical
reports, all my medical terminology is highlighted as misspelled. How
do I get the medical spellchecker to actually interface with Word??


In Word, click on Tools | Options | Spelling & Grammar | uncheck
the "Suggest from main dictionary only" box | Custom Dictionaries
| check the "Stedmans" box | OK | OK.


OK, that's done except when I go into Custom Dictionaries stedman's
isn't listed there.


That would explain why Stedmans is not interfacing with Word.
Click on the Add button, and add Stedmans to the list of
available dictionaries.


This is going to sound really stupid, but how do I do that? There are
several different files for Stedman's.


Hmmm... I would have expected that Stedman's would install a .DIC
file for Microsoft Word, just like it installs a .LEX file for
Corel WordPerfect. But I just read the Stedman's Spellchecker
Plus 2005 users' guide at http://www.stedmans.com/section.cfm/11
, and that does not seem to be the case. The instructions for
Word just say that in Tools | Options | Spelling & Grammar, the
"Always suggest" box should be checked, and the "Suggest from
main dictionary only" box should be unchecked. I think this is
going to be a question you'll have to ask Stedman's. They give
contact information at the link above.


Thanks for your time - I did call them and, duh, the Stedman's
dictionary is not a spellchecker. Sorry for wasting your time. The
hospital put the wrong program on my computer obviously.

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