Word 2003 background (fill effect) prints incorrectly-not WYSIWYG



When a Word background "fill effect" is set via menu
format > background> fill effects > gradient >preset >fire ( from center).
It displays as 1- 2 large rectangles on the page. This is the same when
viewed from print preview.

Howvever when printing this background, it prints as large amount small
rectanges approx ( across 6 and 11 down ) . It has effectivly re-sized the
output to the printer.

This does not seem to be a printer problem as I have tested this with
different prints.

Any advice on how to fix this would be very helpful.

Word Heretic

G'day Remco <[email protected]>,

Is said printer set to be the default? Also, I thought this feature
was mainly for web page use. If you insert a graphic in a header or
footer, and float it over the page you achieve a similar background

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Remco reckoned:

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