Word 2003 - close without no announcement



If I wrote something any document opened with word 2003 close without no
announcement, only if , if I don't wrote word doesn't close.
I posses the original office packet.
The re- installation of the packet doesn't help


Ok, hello, if you are still listening.
Things that might be involved and thus would try:
* corrupted normal -> close office applications and do start>run type
there %appdata% hit enter. Then navigate to folder Microsoft>template
and delete Normal.dot. Try to start word and see if that happens

*virus or spy has infected your PC. Have you run antivirus SW? Try to
run anti spy one as well. Ad aware is quite handy and for personal
purposes is free and safe. Does your PC behave itself apart from the
word trouble? Or others suspicious things happen with you pc such as
being slow...

*try to make new user profile and start word there. Start>control
panel>user account.

See if any from the above helps, if not or you are not sure what I
mean you to do, post back, I will try to lead you better.

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