Word 2003 - Connecting table cells



Hi, I posted an earlier question and now know that I cannot use the
connectors in the drawing toolbar to join these. However, I am still having
a problem trying to achieve what looks like an organisation chart. This was
done in table format simply because that is how the previous one, from which
this was copied) had been done. I this chart, made up in a table, and the
relevant cells have borders. I am trying to use lines to join cells, ie
like in a typical organisation chart, but every time I try to do this it
pushes my table out of whack. It also keeps putting a drawing canvas up
that gets in my way! I am tearing my hair out here, so please help asap.
Many thanks.

Keith Howell

To get rid of the Drawing Canvas (in 2003) go to Tools/Options/General and
deselect 'Automatically turn it on' (llast option).

I am sorry but I can't answer why you are not able to draw lines on top of
your tab;e - maybe it is to do with the Drawing Canvas


That was helpful, thanks Keith. By trial and error I seem to have finally
sorted it out. It is nice not to have to put up with the drawing canvas
every time :)

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