Word 2003 crashes everytime I try to insert bullets or numbering



Everytime I try to insert bullets or numbering Word 2003 crashed on me. I
tried using the detect and repair option, but that doesn't solve my
situation. Does anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it?


Usually an indication that your printer driver is corrupt. Try deleting the
printer and reinstalling making sure that you have the latest driver.

message : Everytime I try to insert bullets or numbering Word 2003 crashed on me. I
: tried using the detect and repair option, but that doesn't solve my
: situation. Does anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it?


I tried following your advice the best that I could but the problem still
persists. Do you have any more ideas?

navendukumar microsoft uk

u have mentioned that u have problem in inserting bullets
and numbers well one of the reason is corrupt drivers
secondly have u updated with service pack1 for office
2003 and then replace your faulty driver please let me
microsoft support uk

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