Word 2003 -- cross-references update incorrectly


Margaret N

I discovered the following after my recent upgrade to Word 2003:

A cross-reference updates correctly if I:
1) Add text to the beginning of the heading
2) Modify (add, delete, or replace) anything less than the heading

A cross-reference does not update at all if I:
3) Add text to the end of the heading

A cross-reference updates to 'Error! Reference source not found.' if I:
4) Replace the entire text of the heading

Since the reference is to the heading or paragraph, it seems to me that as
long as I don't delete the line (or paragraph) itself, the reference should
update to reflect whatever is on that line.

I don't recall ever running into this problem with previous versions, and I
use cross-references frequently. Have others encountered this issue? Is this
functionality intentional?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Margaret

Margaret said:
I discovered the following after my recent upgrade to Word 2003:

A cross-reference updates correctly if I:
1) Add text to the beginning of the heading
2) Modify (add, delete, or replace) anything less than the heading

A cross-reference does not update at all if I:
3) Add text to the end of the heading

When you create a cross-reference, Word inserts an invisible bookmark
around the whole paragraph. Or rather: around everything but the
paragraph mark (pilcrow sign). When you set the cursor at the start of
the heading, Word extends the bookmark. At the end of the line (i.e.,
right before the para mark), Word does not.

I don't recall having heard anything to the extend that this has been
changed from Word 97 or 2000 onwards.


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