Word 2003 - Emailing a Document with Linked Objects



Hello there,

I have a Word document with several linked objects. Sources for the
linked objects are all on my local hard drive. I can not put them on a
shared network folder for security reasons. What I would like to do is
email a copy of this document and have all of the linked objects'
information retained so the recipient can open each of the files linked

I guess what I am trying to ask is this:

Is there a way to send a document so that the linked files will be sent
with the most recent versions of their sources embedded in the
documents so email recipients can open those objects without having to
have access a shared folder on a network?

I know I can just go back and manually change each object to an
embedded object but ideally I would like to keep the main document's
objects linked (for easy updating/editing) but when emailed have the
objects embedded.

I hope this makes send to someone...




If your recipients don't need to revise the linked objects, but just need to
be able to view their content, can you update the links, then "unlink" them?
The objects would then become pictures in the document and should email just

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