Word 2003 Error KB885250


Brent Havens

After windows update installed the KB885250 update When I try and do a "save
as" and type a new file name, Word pops up with an error stating that the
name is invalid or their is a password issue, ect. I was able to temperarily
fix the problem by uninstalling the update. Please let me know if I can
provide any information to help with this.



Yes please. I'm having difficulty finding the update in order to delete it.
I assumed it'd be in control panel>add/remove programs>KB885250, but it is
not there. Sometimes the User accounts/Admin part of XP makes me a little
crazy. It appears I only have Admin and Guest for this computer and I turned
off the Guest. Still, I don't see the update. Should I be looking elsewhere?



Nevermind. I just saw the box to check that says "show updates"

Never seen that before. I got it. Thanks again.



Please call Microsoft PSS and report this bug. Calls are free for Hotfix

: After windows update installed the KB885250 update When I try and do a
: as" and type a new file name, Word pops up with an error stating that the
: name is invalid or their is a password issue, ect. I was able to
: fix the problem by uninstalling the update. Please let me know if I can
: provide any information to help with this.
: Thanks
: Brent


This is a bug in Hotfix KB885250.There are several
discussions open on the subject on various message
boards - the following is a link to one on Technet.
KB885250 messes up access to mixed OS networks.
The only answer at the moment is to remove the Hotfix.




In Control Panel/ Add & Remove Programmes check the 'Show
Updates' box at the top window. The updates will be at
bottom of the list, scroll down to find them. The update
will install again if you have automatic updates enabled.
Next time the icon shows in the task bar click the icon,
select custom install, deselect kb885250, goto install or
close - a dialogue appears 'don't remind me about this
update in the future' check the box. Alternatively goto
Windows update, custom install, deselect kb885250 and
hide it.



Pity you're 11 days late with this information!


: This is a bug in Hotfix KB885250.There are several
: discussions open on the subject on various message
: boards - the following is a link to one on Technet.
: KB885250 messes up access to mixed OS networks.
: The only answer at the moment is to remove the Hotfix.
: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/community/newsgroups/dgbr
: owser/en-us/default.mspx?pg=9&guid=&sloc=en-
: us&dg=microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin&fltr=&mid=
: 173d1f0d-4468-4a01-b41b-9414acd979f1
: Bushy
: >-----Original Message-----
: >After windows update installed the KB885250 update When
: I try and do a "save
: >as" and type a new file name, Word pops up with an error
: stating that the
: >name is invalid or their is a password issue, ect. I
: was able to temperarily
: >fix the problem by uninstalling the update. Please let
: me know if I can
: >provide any information to help with this.
: >
: >Thanks
: >Brent
: >.
: >

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