Word 2003 File Page Setup hangs


Mary Fran

I run Win XP Pro with 3 user accounts. Word 2003 runs fine on 2 accounts,
but on the third, the program hangs every time I click on the Page Setup
command in the File drop-down. I've run the repair function and I've
downloaded and installed all updates and patches for Win XP and Office.

Any suggestions?

Mary Fran

Yes, but not since I noticed this problem. Should I do it again for that
user account?

Mary Fran

Update: Well you gave me the critical clue. I deleted and reinstalled my
printer driver for that account again and again tried to use the File Page
Setup command. Everything seemed to come to a dead stop, but this time, with
uncharacteristic patience, I waited (more than a minute) to see if anything
would happen. (I perhaps should have mentioned that this laptop connects
wirelessly to the printer via my PC on our home network.)

Finally, the dialog box opened, and now everything is working normally (no
more 1 minute+ waits) in that account.

Many thanks for your prompt assistance.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you are using a network printer, be sure that the driver is installed
locally on each machine. That should prevent the delay.

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