Word 2003 - Graphic question - "No" sign



Hi, I am writing a document with some instructions, do this, don't do that.
Included in this are such things as No Smoking, or Turn off your mobile
phone, etc I know there is some standard clipart that I can use for the
above examples, but what I am actually using throughout my document are
screenbeans, and in some instances I want to put the red No symbol across the
front of it. However, regardless of the order I use, one blocks out the
other. Is there a way I can do this? Many thanks.

Keith Howell

I assume your screenbeans are jpegs so specify text wrapping of 'behind text'
for them. I am sorry, I don't know what the 'red No symbol' is but specify
text wrapping of 'in front of text' and drag it over your first screenbean.
If that doesn't work for you, try using the first Wordart option and create a
large NO, fill it red, specify text wrapping of 'in front of text' and drag
it over your screenbean.

I hope this works for you

Mary Sauer

Keith, In AutoShapes there is the universal symbol for "no". I assume this is
what the poster is using. (19th symbol in basic shapes).

Keith Howell

Thanks Mary - no wonder I am continually doing the wrong thing on the roads.

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