Word 2003 hangs when starting automatic numbered lists



I have a very frustrating problem with Word 2003.

One of my users needs to frequently create Outlined docs. Whenever she
starts a numbered list, the Automatic numbered Lists feature kicks in , and
word appears to stall or hang for several minutes (I timed it at about 2.5
minutes once).

If I turn off Automatic Numbered Lists, the problem goes away. However, she
needs this feature, and I would like to repair it, not disable it.

So far, I have the following, to no avail:
- Removed normal.dot, and restarted Word to recreate
- Run Office repair from Add/Remove Programs
- Turned off Automatic Numbered lists and Automatic Bulleted lists, and then
turned it back on.
- Opened "Bullets and Numbering" and clicked "Reset" to set the styles back
tot he defaults

I have searched all other Microsoft support forums and Technet, and cannot
seem to find this one.

Does anyone have any ideas for me?


This looks promising, thank you. I will try this when I can get onto her


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