Word 2003 ignores my page numbering preferences

  • Thread starter nooneinparticular314159
  • Start date


I want to number the pages in my document. I want it to start on the
second page, using roman numerals, starting with i. I want the numbers
centered on the bottom footer. I choose all of the selections for
this, and it gives me one of:

arabic numerals
numbers on the first page, but NOT on the second
roman numeral on teh second page, but arabic on all other pages.

I'm pretty sure that I don't have the "do the opposite of what user
asks for" box checked. Any idea how I can do this?

Bonus points if you can tell me how to get it to switch to roman
numerals on a page of my choice. :)


Charles Kenyon

See http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm and
Charles Kenyon

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Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

The article at http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm
will tell you most of what you want to know. But note that you will be
setting yourself up for a struggle with Word (and the world) if you try to
start numbering at i on the second page. The first page is always 1 or i
whether it has a number printed on it or not. This is publishing convention.
The only time when it might be ignored is when you are padding the beginning
and end of a document with blank pages to make up signatures, and then you
would still start at 1 or i on a recto (right-hand) page, leaving *two*
blank pages.

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