Word 2003 is printing envelopes with blue background. How stop?



I have a Dell Dimension with XP and 2003 Office Suite. For some reason that
I cannot discover, Word has suddenly started printing envelopes with a blue
background to the address, which makes them pretty illegible. Can anyone
advise how to stop it, please?

Graham Mayor

Some printer drivers (eg Lexmark) use composite colours on envelopes, which
can produce some strange effects when there is a shortage of ink in one or
more colours. Does the problem stop if you start Word in its safe mode (hold
the CTRL key whilst starting and answer yes at the prompt)? If it does, see
http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/ProblemsStartingWord.htm. with
particular attention to the normal template and the data key in the

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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