Word 2003 Making Changes I Don't Want!


Bright Spark

I am using Word 2003, and somewhere in the bowels of this program (!!)
there is an elf or goblin of some sort that keeps fixing things for me
when I don't want it to, and I cannot find where it lives so that I
can send it to the depths of Hades!

When I type a paragraph or something in ALL CAPS, occasionally when
the word THE comes up, the elf will change it to The (initial cap)! It
doesn't happen every time the word comes up, but it happens often
enough that it's now starting to make me crazy. I can't even get a
handle on what it is that triggers it each time.

I have searched through all the Auto-Corrects, Auto-Texts, and
Auto-everything I can find, and I don't see any place where I can tell
it to stop doing this. I have all of my Auto-things turned
off/unchecked because I don't ever want it to make those decisions for
me, but there must be one somewhere that I have missed?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks.

Bright Spark

Bright Spark

Thanks for the suggestion, Daddy, but I have tried all those
AutoCorrect Options a million times and I don't find it there in any
of them.

Bright Spark


Do you have any sort of "helper" utilities or Add-Ins that might interact
with Word?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Bright Spark

No, I don't have any helpers or Add-Ins. It's just such a mystery!

Bright Spark

Terry Farrell

Are you sure that you don't have an AutoCorrect option listed for THE to The
because it sure as hell sounds like AutoCorrect?

What happens if you start Word in Safe Mode and test it. From Start | Run
(Winkey+R), type in

winword /a

and press enter. Test again now.

Bright Spark

Yes, I'm sure I don't have an AutoCorrect for it -- I have scrolled a
million times through all the listings in that feature and also
through the AutoText feature, and there are such things as changing
teh to the, etc., but nothing for the all caps THE. It sounds like
AutoCorrect to me too, but I've looked everywhere to get rid of it and
I'm just plain flummoxed!

The problem is that it doesn't happen every time I type the word THE -
only once in a while with no rhyme nor reason - so I don't think the
Safe Mode test would help, I'm afraid.

Thanks anyway, Terry.

Bright Spark

Bright Spark

Tried that, Daddy - all of those boxes are UN-checked. Thanks anyway
- I guess I'll just have to live with it and keep my eyes on the
monitor when typing in all caps.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Bright Spark

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