Hi Beth,
Actually it appears that it may be a bit of both
If in Word 2003, after completing the steps in the KB article (i.e. the
option setting and saving after making a change)
you then use Web Page preview and in the browser View=>Source, look under
the <w:WordDocument> section in the source and there
should be
oNotShowMarkup/> [the option setting]
oNotShowRevisions/> [Final view]
stored within the document when that feature is enabled.
Note however, that in the browser the markup is shown
If you then go to Tools=>Options=>Security and turn the default back on
and do another web page preview without making a change to
the document, that value doesn't always 'reset' in the document until the
document has been changed and saved. It may not be
'reread' until the document is saved as a changed document (?)
But basically, in either case it's only preventing the view from auto
switching to a '...+showing markup' if the default option is
turned off and if the view is set to either Original receipe or Final.
But the security option, "Make hidden markup visible..." IS a global
In that section, "Document-specific settings", only the "Remove personal
information..." option is actually stored with the document. I think by
"Document-specific" they mean privacy options that apply to documents as
opposed to those that apply to the application, such as Online Help. I
agree, the wording is confusing.
If you recall, a per-document option was available at one time but it was
removed in Word 2002 due to PII issues which is why they made it both a
global and a security option.