Word 2003 preview and print



Word 2003 unexpectedly quits to desktop when I click preview, print, or page
setup. It does not give an error message. I have uninstalled and reinstalled
Office 2003 Basic as well as my printer and its drivers. I can print and
preview without any problem in Excel, but not in Word. Any ideas?
I read the issue reagrding Normal.dot. I've noticed that the Normal.dot file
is displayed as ~$Normal.dot. I'm not sure if that's how it should appear.
Renaming the file to Normal.dot gives an error message "Unable to read form
source". Son't know if that's related to the problem.


Uninstalling/Reinstalling Office hardly ever works because all the user
settings and customisations are not replaced or updated. This is definitely
a printer driver issue. Check on the Internet support site for the Printer
Manufacturer and make sure that you have the latest driver and then delete
and reinstall the printer.

The file you are seeing is the temp file that is created when you open Word.
It should be in the same folder as normal.dot: if you cannot see normal.dot,
it is probably because the settings in Windows Explorer are set to hide
System and Hidden files. It should have the current/date time stamp (from
when you opened Word) and should close itself when you close Word (and
Outlook). If it doesn't, you need to restart your computer and before
opening any Office applications, delete the temp file.

: Word 2003 unexpectedly quits to desktop when I click preview, print, or
: setup. It does not give an error message. I have uninstalled and
: Office 2003 Basic as well as my printer and its drivers. I can print and
: preview without any problem in Excel, but not in Word. Any ideas?
: I read the issue reagrding Normal.dot. I've noticed that the Normal.dot
: is displayed as ~$Normal.dot. I'm not sure if that's how it should
: Renaming the file to Normal.dot gives an error message "Unable to read
: source". Son't know if that's related to the problem.

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