Markus Schöpflin
I'm starting Word 2003 in safe mode by holding down the CTRL key when
stating word. Next I create an empty document, type a few paragraphs,
highlight them and press <Shift>-<Ctrl>-<L> to give them the list bullet style.
Now I navigate to the second paragraph in the list, and press
<Shift>-<Alt>-<Cursor Right>. What I would have expected to happen is that
the list item is demoted to level 2. What actually happens is that it is
changed into Heading 2!
Q1) Is my expectation of what should have happened correct?
Q2) If the answer to Q1 is yes, what the heck is going on here?
Q3) Does the Word safe mode indeed do what I think it does, namely start
with the built-in Word styles, no matter how messed up my normal.dot might
happen to be?
stating word. Next I create an empty document, type a few paragraphs,
highlight them and press <Shift>-<Ctrl>-<L> to give them the list bullet style.
Now I navigate to the second paragraph in the list, and press
<Shift>-<Alt>-<Cursor Right>. What I would have expected to happen is that
the list item is demoted to level 2. What actually happens is that it is
changed into Heading 2!
Q1) Is my expectation of what should have happened correct?
Q2) If the answer to Q1 is yes, what the heck is going on here?
Q3) Does the Word safe mode indeed do what I think it does, namely start
with the built-in Word styles, no matter how messed up my normal.dot might
happen to be?