word 2003 should be able to be downloaded in two computers

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I just bought microsoft word 2003. This is the system that is used at work.
I bought it for my home computer and lap top. I installed it in my home
computer without a problem. I attempted to install in my lap top which I was
unable. I took to the store to figure out the problem and they advised me
that I am only able to install it once. I would have rather installed it in
my lap top if I would have known it was only good once. Is there anything
you can do for me. Before I bought word 2003, I was offered to use another
employee's copy.... I chose to buy a new one.. How is it that he can
download it more than once? and not me??? Please help.

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if you go to http://www.microsoft.com/legal/useterms/default.aspx and choose
to view the EULA for Word 2003 it states ...

1.1 Installation and use. You may:
(a) install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or
other device; and
(b) install an additional copy of the Software on a second, portable
device for the exclusive use of the primary user of the first copy of the

(but do look at it for yourself i might not have chosen the right product or

in my reading, this means that you can put it in your desktop & laptop
computers. Therefore, the problem with installing it on your laptop is not
a licence issue - it could be an operating system / hardware compatability
issue ... check that your computer meets the specifications listed on the

This newsgroup isn't, however, designed to assist with these sorts of
problems - this newsgroup is for the MS product Project ... so if you have
additional questions or problems i would suggest posting in a Word newsgroup
..... microsoft.public.word.newusers for example.


Steve House [Project MVP]

As Julie said, you can usually activate a retail copy of an Office product
twice, once on your desktop and again on your laptop or similar device. But
the internet activation I think only works for the first computer. There is
a (toll free) phone number you can call to get the necessary activation code
for the second permitted device such as your laptop. But 2 is the max so if
that disk's serial number has been activated on your computer in the office
and the same key used on your desktop system at home, you've used up the
allowable installs and there's none left for the laptop.

I do wish that the various software vendors would realize that the idea of
purchasing a separate copy of their product for each computer in a household
is cost prohibitive for individual consumers. To require a business to
purchase a separate license for each workstation makes perfect sense but
there should be some sort of reduced cost home-user site license for
consumers who have more than one computer and are purchasing for household
and personal use. I have my desktop and also a laptop, my wife has her own
desktop and may be getting a laptop of her own one of these days, and my
daughter has her own computer for school etc - that means I need at least 3
full-retail copies of Office to be legal and costs many, many bucks out of
the household budget. IMHO we should be able to purchase a single copy of
Office and freely install it on all the computers we personally own
regardless of number. It's not such an issue with a $50 game but for a $500
to $750 or more productivity package it's another story - that's just a hell
of a lot of money for an individual consumer to find in the discretionary
purse. (Either that or the average consumer makes a whole lot more money
than I do). Alas, the good folks at Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, etc,
didn't ask my opinion before deciding on their licensing and activation

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