word 2003 sp2, high cpu utilization, kills taskbar, kills desktop



win xp home sp2,
office 2003 sp 2
..doc file size > 5mb, contains table, graphs, etc...
autosave is disabled, autospell checking is turned off, the rest is default

- after opening the .doc file all is good
- after some time, about 10-30 minutes OR typing something,
cpu goes up, word all of a sudden
goes high cpu ustilization doing something in the backgroud, not sure what
- xp taskbar stops responding
- after than explorer.exe ( taskbar ) goes high cpu
- if word is existed it's too late, taskbar hangs
- file is ok, can be saved and opened
- word never hangs, just goes high cpu and kills taskbar / desktop

the the problem was isolated to ms word.

- what could make word all of sudden go high cpu ?
- what could word 2003 be doing the background?

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