Word 2003 Spell Check & Grammar



Has anyone ever noticed, after running a spellcheck, that several words
normally caught by spell check were mispelled. As if spellcheck stopped
working. Words like determined spelled dtermined or could spelled coulkd.
My wife had typed a document and ran a spellcheck fixing words as she went in
a template I created for her. This is a template she has used for months
many many times. 100's of documents with it. Spellcheck finished and said
it was complete. She then started proofing the document and found the two
words mentioned above among others. Went into options, spelling & grammar,
and checked to see if anything had changed. It had'nt. We copied the
document then deleted the original, pulled up a blank template and pasted the
information in. Spellcheck worked fine again. Words that were misspelled
were underlined in red and autocorrect corrected words we typed in misspelled
on purpose.

Anyone ever notice this feature in word becoming unstable at times? Need to
know, could be a major problem for her work.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?S00x?=,

There are a couple of factors that could result in the behavior you observed:

1. The terms are in the custom dictionary (not the case, here)

2. The terms were formatted with a different language, or as "do not check". If
you suspect this could be the problem, click in such a word, then go to
Tools/Language/Set language and check the settings. The problem in this case can
be corrected by applying the correct language formatting.

3. The text had already been checked once and these terms marked as "ignore", so
the spell checker was skipping it. In this case, you'd need to "Recheck" via
Tools/Options/Spelling and Grammar.

For your case, either 2 or 3 could apply. If you'd like to discuss any aspects
in more detail, we'd need to know the version of Word and of Windows you're
Has anyone ever noticed, after running a spellcheck, that several words
normally caught by spell check were mispelled. As if spellcheck stopped
working. Words like determined spelled dtermined or could spelled coulkd.
My wife had typed a document and ran a spellcheck fixing words as she went in
a template I created for her. This is a template she has used for months
many many times. 100's of documents with it. Spellcheck finished and said
it was complete. She then started proofing the document and found the two
words mentioned above among others. Went into options, spelling & grammar,
and checked to see if anything had changed. It had'nt. We copied the
document then deleted the original, pulled up a blank template and pasted the
information in. Spellcheck worked fine again. Words that were misspelled
were underlined in red and autocorrect corrected words we typed in misspelled
on purpose.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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