Microsoft added the Word 2003 Style Set just before releasing Word 2007.
However, the Word 2003 Style Set does not use all the original Word 2003
defaults. For example, in Word 2003, the default font was Times New Roman 12.
In the Word 2003 Style Set in Word 2007, the default font is Calibri 12. In
Word 2003, the default margins were 1.25" but in the Word 2003 Style Set in
Word 2007, the default margins are 1". Why did Microsoft choose to use some
of the original Word 2003 defaults (line spacing of single and spacing after
paragraphs of zero) but changed others? What's the point of adding the Word
2003 Style Set if it doesn't replicate the Word 2003 defaults?
However, the Word 2003 Style Set does not use all the original Word 2003
defaults. For example, in Word 2003, the default font was Times New Roman 12.
In the Word 2003 Style Set in Word 2007, the default font is Calibri 12. In
Word 2003, the default margins were 1.25" but in the Word 2003 Style Set in
Word 2007, the default margins are 1". Why did Microsoft choose to use some
of the original Word 2003 defaults (line spacing of single and spacing after
paragraphs of zero) but changed others? What's the point of adding the Word
2003 Style Set if it doesn't replicate the Word 2003 defaults?