Word 2003


Practice Manager

I have lost the ability to insert pictures from files, word art and clip art
into a Word document. I have removed Suite 2003 and reinstalled and am still
having the problem. I can insert pictures into other applications on my PC.
Also, documents that I have inserted pictures into open up without the
pictures. My retired husband has been using my computer when I am off
WORKING and I just noticed this. Of course, he couldn't have done this
although I did notice that he has been using the recovery function as well as
doing other things in order to get his wireless to interact with our printer,
etc. etc. Any ideas on how I can fix this problem??? Thank you!

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Not sure what you mean by "lost the ability to insert". What happens
when you try? If you get an error message, please quote it exactly and

If the problem is that you cannot see the pictures, etc., in your Word
document after you insert them, then there are a few things to try:
1. In Word, if you're working in Normal view, then switch to Print
Layout view (View | Print Layout), because objects that are formatted as
"float over text" (Word 97) or as something other than "inline with
text" (Word 2000, 2002, and 2003) are not visible in Normal view.
2. In Word, click on Tools | Options | View tab | check the
"Drawings" box and uncheck the "Picture placeholders" box | Print tab |
check the "Drawing objects" box | OK.
3. If neither of the previous suggestions fixes the problem, then
try reducing or turning off hardware acceleration in Start | Control
Panel | Display | Settings | Advanced | Troubleshoot. If this fixes the
problem, then you might want to check the website of the manufacturer of
your video card/graphics adapter to see if there is an updated driver

Practice Manager

Dear Garfield:

A big, huge thanks to you for fixing my problem. #2 resolved the problem.
I have inserted pictures and word art many times before and all of a sudden,
could not do so and was totally stumped! You know your stuff and I truly
appreciate you taking the time to respond!

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