Word 2003


Scott Schwemmer

I have a 50 page document and when I scroll upwards, the topmost line keeps
repeating itself and replacing the normal text above it. When I scroll down
again, the document returns back to normal. How do I fix this? I've already
uninstalled and reinistalled Word.


Just this one document or all documents? Is the line really replacint the
text in the document, can that be slow rendering of your video card? What
happen if you after scrolling upwards, when you think the line is repeating,
minimalize and then maximalize the Word window (use the + and - buttons at
t he right top of the Word window)

Scott Schwemmer

Not sure if it is actually replacing the lines above, but the line is
definitely repeating over and over again as I scroll up. This doesn't happen
all the time, but it started a few days ago and was still occuring yesterday.
I haven't done anything new to the computer, so I don't know exactly how to
trouble shoot this.

Scott Schwemmer

I'm just repeating my last e-mail because I forget to check "notify me of
replies." I would appreciate it if you pasted your response here. Thanks for
the help.


Hi Scott -

For future reference, reinstalling Office or Office apps is *rarely* the
correct approach and almost never the first step to take if any problems
arise. The apps themselves aren't typically the root of the problem and
reinstalling can cause other problems that compound the situation. and - as
you've found - reinstallation seldom corrects the problem. The issue is most
likely with a supporting file or the doc itself.

If you do have to remove, make sure to use the Remove Office utility rather
than just dragging stuff to the Trash. Also, reinstalling sets you back to
the version on the install disk, so you also have to re-apply all the
updates in sequence (beginning with 11.3.5 if Office 2004) and it doesn't
hurt to run Disk Utility - Repair Disk Permissions after any OS or app

As to your current issue: It would help to know which version of Word/Office
you're using and, as l_c asked, whether this is occurring only in the one
doc or occurring in others as well. Further, the configuration of your Mac
may be a factor here too - model, RAM, etc.

Gut reaction is that is a corrupt doc or that the doc has some corrupt
content (graphic, table, extensive change tracking or some other cause). Try
the following if it's just the one doc:

Command+A (to select all)
Shift+LeftArrow (to deselect the last ¶)
Comand+C (to copy)
Then paste into a new blank doc

If that doesn't correct the situation in the new file or if other docs
present the same behavior post back with your results plus the info
requested above.

Michel Bintener

Hi Bob,

Scott is using Word 2003, as the subject line says; he's accidentally landed
in the Mac Word newsgroup, presumably because of the badly designed
Microsoft Communities interface. :-(

Hi Scott -

For future reference, reinstalling Office or Office apps is *rarely* the
correct approach and almost never the first step to take if any problems
arise. The apps themselves aren't typically the root of the problem and
reinstalling can cause other problems that compound the situation. and - as
you've found - reinstallation seldom corrects the problem. The issue is most
likely with a supporting file or the doc itself.

If you do have to remove, make sure to use the Remove Office utility rather
than just dragging stuff to the Trash. Also, reinstalling sets you back to
the version on the install disk, so you also have to re-apply all the
updates in sequence (beginning with 11.3.5 if Office 2004) and it doesn't
hurt to run Disk Utility - Repair Disk Permissions after any OS or app

As to your current issue: It would help to know which version of Word/Office
you're using and, as l_c asked, whether this is occurring only in the one
doc or occurring in others as well. Further, the configuration of your Mac
may be a factor here too - model, RAM, etc.

Gut reaction is that is a corrupt doc or that the doc has some corrupt
content (graphic, table, extensive change tracking or some other cause). Try
the following if it's just the one doc:

Command+A (to select all)
Shift+LeftArrow (to deselect the last ¶)
Comand+C (to copy)
Then paste into a new blank doc

If that doesn't correct the situation in the new file or if other docs
present the same behavior post back with your results plus the info
requested above.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Clive Huggan

Hello Scott,

Just for future reference, here's where all the discussion groups are
listed, so you can choose a PC group:

The ability to spray you anywhere is a charming foible of Microsoft's
"Communities" web interface.

But hang around for a while on this one -- I bet CyberTaz, or another person
who's across both Mac and PC, will update the answer (sorry, it's not my


Clive Huggan

Scott Schwemmer

I have a Dell Dimension 4600 with Microsoft Word 2003. I cut and pasted the
text into a new document, but the problem persists. I opened other
documents, and the same thing occurs there. When I uninstalled and then
reinstalled Word, I used the disks that came with the computer, but as I've
already said, this did not work (I did that at the suggestion of a Dell and a
Microsoft tech).

Any other suggestions?


Sorry - I mistakenly assumed the "2003" in the subject line was a typo:(

Reinstallation of a Windows box is a whole different ball of wax &
(conversely to Macs) is one of the more common resolutions. Apparently it
isn't the program, itself, but it possibly could be a Windows Registry issue
- not my territory:)

If you're having the same problem in other docs I wouldn't expect the
copy/paste trick to do any good - there is obviously something going on with
the system rather than the docs themselves. It may be a virus, a corrupt
Normal.dot, or a hardware problem.

I'd suggest you follow Clive's recommendation to ask in one of the Windows
Word groups using the link he provided to get you started. I've seen
reference to similar problems but you'll get a more direct reply there.

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

John McGhie

Hi Scott:

We can't answer this one in this group because this group is dedicated to
Macintosh Word, running on the Mac.

However: Your problem is suggestive of a bad graphics driver. Get onto the
Dell site and update the driver for your graphics card. That may help.

The other problem is your Normal template: Find that and delete it.

Either of these may fix the problem, and they are not fixed by a re-install.

And carry this question over to the PC Word group, you'll have a better
chance there.


I have a Dell Dimension 4600 with Microsoft Word 2003. I cut and pasted the
text into a new document, but the problem persists. I opened other
documents, and the same thing occurs there. When I uninstalled and then
reinstalled Word, I used the disks that came with the computer, but as I've
already said, this did not work (I did that at the suggestion of a Dell and a
Microsoft tech).

Any other suggestions?

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hi Scott:
I also suspect the video card, but also check for some spyware or
viruses would be usefull. Try ad-aware at http://www.lavasoft.com/
(free for home users) for spyware and http://www.avast.com/ for
viruses (used to be free at my times for home users). Just download
and install and runt these 2 Sw and the new video card driver as well.
That should solve your problem


My daughter is experiencing the same problem. Did you ever get a fix to the
problem? If so what was it? I know they say you posted this in wrong place,
but I searched the internet and it seems that a lot of people are
experiencing this problem but are saying it is a mouse problem when
scrolling, or a graphics card issue or a video driver issue. Other people
suspect it is a video driver problem, but there are several different types
of video drivers having the same problem from the post I have seen. We ended
up reformatting my daughter's HP system and reloading Windows XP media center
and reinstalling Office 2003 she is using the Student version, but other
people are seeing this on Vista, XP Professional and I think on Word 2007 as
well as 2003. It still was a problem. So now I know it wasn't the OS or
maybe a DLL got messed up. My daughter had loaded Word 2007 but Microsoft
had her uninstall it and that's when she started having problems. See the
following link for more on the same issue I suspect. So where are the MVP on
this issue. It's the same problem people all over are having but explaining
Anyway if you found a fix could you please let me know. My daughter relies
on Word 2003 for her work and is losing time and money with this issue.
Yvonne Schaffer


Did you ever get this problem resolved? Please advise, since my daughter is
having the same problem? We ended up reformatting her disk and starting over
and we are still having the problem with Word 2003.

John McGhie

Hi Yvonne:

The answer to your question " I see a MAJOR PROBLEM BEING INGNORED BY
MICROSOFT--why? " is:

Because Microsoft does not make the software that is causing the issue.

In Windows XP and Vista, chances are the graphics card is the same in many
different computers. If it is, chances are it is running the same driver
software on both platforms. If it is, and that driver software (made by the
manufacturer of the graphics card, not by Microsoft) is doing the wrong
thing, then there is nothing Microsoft can do about it.

That's your answer. You may not LIKE it any better than anyone else would,
but that's it. I can't come to your house and tell you how to cook, and
neither can Microsoft march into another manufacturer's office and demand
that they change their ways.

The closest they could come is to engineer Windows o refuse to load a driver
which did this. To the maximum extent possible, they have done that. Any
more, and the graphics driver would not load at all, and if it didn't,
nobody who owned that kind of graphics card would be able to see anything.

Never ask "why" in computer forums :) Chances are, even if you find out
why, the explanation will not represent useful information. The problem
remains, and we do not have a solution for you.

By the way, it's not "major" problem in Microsoft Word. Simply scroll back
two screens-full, then forward again, each time it happens. That forces the
graphics driver to re-calculate the display of that area of the document.
Chances are, on the next try it will have better results.

Sorry about that!

My daughter is experiencing the same problem. Did you ever get a fix to the
problem? If so what was it? I know they say you posted this in wrong place,
but I searched the internet and it seems that a lot of people are
experiencing this problem but are saying it is a mouse problem when
scrolling, or a graphics card issue or a video driver issue. Other people
suspect it is a video driver problem, but there are several different types
of video drivers having the same problem from the post I have seen. We ended
up reformatting my daughter's HP system and reloading Windows XP media center
and reinstalling Office 2003 she is using the Student version, but other
people are seeing this on Vista, XP Professional and I think on Word 2007 as
well as 2003. It still was a problem. So now I know it wasn't the OS or
maybe a DLL got messed up. My daughter had loaded Word 2007 but Microsoft
had her uninstall it and that's when she started having problems. See the
following link for more on the same issue I suspect. So where are the MVP on
this issue. It's the same problem people all over are having but explaining
Anyway if you found a fix could you please let me know. My daughter relies
on Word 2003 for her work and is losing time and money with this issue.
Yvonne Schaffer

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]



Thanks for the response. It never hurts to ask WHY? otherwise how will you
ever find out what's happening. I suspected it was the graphics card driver
and am looking into notifying them of this issue. If I get a response I will
update the message. Although you don't think this is a big issue if you
always work with large documents as my daughter does you would find it a
bigger problem.
Once again, thanks for the response.

John McGhie

Hi Yvonne:

Well, I normally work with documents around the 1,000-page mark or larger
:) I am a Technical Writer: imperilling the forests of the world is our

I have been living with the specific issue since, oh, about 1992 or
thereabouts... I couldn't swear to it, but I probably have had it once or
twice his year.

The work-around I suggested (page back two screenfuls...) is now so
automatic to me that I do it without thinking, so I couldn't really tell
you. It happens fairly rarely for me, and never on my own computer.

Speaking of computers, were you aware that this forum is dedicated to Word
running on a Macintosh computer? It's not your fault: the website is
extraordinarily badly designed. But getting "good" answers to Windows/Word
2003 problems in here is a bit of a lottery, because some of us don't use
Windows at all. I am one who also uses Windows. There is another forum
just down the passage dedicated to Windows Word... It's the door with all
the noise coming from it :)

Sadly, getting a cure to this problem is likely to be difficult and
frustrating. "Some" graphics cards do it, with "some" versions of their
drivers, at "some" screen resolutions, and at "some" colour depths.

Changing any one of those parameters can either eliminate, or produce, the

So while I know the problem exists, I also know that it comes under the
heading of "some computers just do this, and nobody has found a good cure."

Sorry, I know this doesn't help at all :)


Thanks for the response. It never hurts to ask WHY? otherwise how will you
ever find out what's happening. I suspected it was the graphics card driver
and am looking into notifying them of this issue. If I get a response I will
update the message. Although you don't think this is a big issue if you
always work with large documents as my daughter does you would find it a
bigger problem.
Once again, thanks for the response.

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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