Hi Alexander:
The problem is that Word 2004 has changed the location for Normal Template.
Your headers and footers are probably in a file called Normal Template, but
the copy your computer is using is not the one you think it is. The rest of
this process tells you how to sort that out. It takes a lot more time to
describe it than it does to do it, but you have to do it exactly this way or
you will destroy your new template ...
To find your templates, start Word and look in Preferences>File
Locations>User Templates.
If the entry there is too long or blank, highlight it and click MODIFY. It
will then tell you exactly where your Normal template is. Make sure you
click CANCEL on the way out if you do not want to change this.
Note that when you copy your template back from the other guy, you must do
so as a template. It can be difficult to determine on a Mac whether a file
is a document or a template. The quickest way is to do a Save As... If the
file is a template, Word will open your Templates folder: if it's a
Document, it will offer to save it in your Documents folder. If you look
carefully at the Save As dialog, you will see "Format: Document Template".
If the file is a document rather than a Template, it cannot contain toolbars

Actually: Technically it can, but it is difficult to get them to
appear, and they won't appear in any other document... So it amounts to the
same thing: if you have toolbars in a file of type "Word Document" they
don't work properly!
If you are sure that your current Normal Template does not contain any
customisations you want to keep, you can go ahead and save the file over the
top of your Normal Template. Otherwise, save it in the correct folder as
Normal1 or some other name.
Now be careful: Go to Word>Preferences and check "Prompt to save Normal
template" on the Save tab. Now Quit Word. If you have saved over the top
of Normal Template, you will be prompted to save Normal at this stage. You
MUST SAY NO. If you say Yes, you will overwrite your new Normal with the
old Normal that was in memory. Word holds a copy of Normal in memory
whenever it is running. If you did not save over the top of Normal, it does
not matter what you say here.
If you saved to a different name, navigate to your Normal template in Finder
and re-name the template "Normal".
Now restart Word. It will pick up the new Normal template at this stage and
your custom toolbars will appear.
In future, we encourage you to create your own toolbars with your own names.
If you do this, you can quickly copy the toolbars from one template to
another using Organiser, without the involved process above. You are not
allowed to copy the standard toolbars, because that would cause corruption.
There: It takes a lot longer to describe it than it does to do it, but that
will get you out of trouble.
Completely lost- I had a friend e-mail me the templates again from his
Word v.X computer and he can see them, but I can't. I had a look at
the Preferences and there isn't a checkbox like that. If anyone has
any other advice...
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410