Word 2004 Calendar Confusion


Roger Bagley

In the Word2004 Formatting Palette (as well as through AutoText) there is an
option (under "Add Object") to insert any one of 4 different kinds of
monthly calendars. Very nice. However, each of these calendars only shows
the calendar for May 2006. Is there a way to insert the current month or to
choose any other month's calendar to insert instead of just May 2006?

JE McGimpsey

Roger Bagley said:
In the Word2004 Formatting Palette (as well as through AutoText) there is an
option (under "Add Object") to insert any one of 4 different kinds of
monthly calendars. Very nice. However, each of these calendars only shows
the calendar for May 2006. Is there a way to insert the current month or to
choose any other month's calendar to insert instead of just May 2006?

Not using that Autotext. Note that the "May 2006" is just a Placeholder
field (i.e., it displays the text, but self-destructs when you enter
anything it its place).

Also note that the dates on the calendar do *not* correspond to May
2006. 1 May 2006 is a Monday, but the calendar shows it as a Sunday.

Roger Bagley

Thanks. But is there any way to do the autoformatting that I describe, so
that I can choose which month's calendar is inserted (correctly)?

JE McGimpsey

Roger Bagley said:
Thanks. But is there any way to do the autoformatting that I describe, so
that I can choose which month's calendar is inserted (correctly)?

Not that I know of, but then, I'm not a field guru. I can think of a
couple of ways to do it using VBA...

I'll ask around...

JE McGimpsey

Roger Bagley said:
Thanks. But is there any way to do the autoformatting that I describe, so
that I can choose which month's calendar is inserted (correctly)?

The word from those who should know is that doing this with autotext and
fields would most likely be a tangled buggy mass of kludgy half-arsed
combinations of fields and bookmarks, that would still need to be
updated manually (though I don't necessarily agree that it couldn't be

You might look at a potential solution from MVP Suzanne Barnhill in the


Personally, though, I'd go with VBA.

Jeffrey Weston

Hello Roger,

Unfortunately, the text for the Calendar Table in the Formatting Palette is
hard coded, and cannot be changed to match the current date.

But I'll offer it up as a suggestion for a future release.


Jeffrey Weston
Mac Word Test
Macintosh Business Unit

Roger Bagley

Thanks, Jeff. But what use is a "hard-coded" calendar? Often, project
memoranda prepared by my clients in Word are prepared with the
calendar imbedded. It's very convenient. If you send me an email address at
which you can receive attachments, I'll send you an example.

Roger J. Bagley
(e-mail address removed)

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