Word 2004 compatibility with Word 2003 SP3


John Halloran

Computerworld posted an article about Office 2003 SP3 dropping support
for a number of file formats. Here is a quote that is of interest to
Word 2004 users:

"Word 2003 with SP3, in fact, blocks a staggering 24 former formats,
according to Microsoft, including the default word processing file
format for Office 2004 for Mac, the currently available edition of
Microsoft's application suite for Mac OS X."

The Computerworld article can be seen read here:


The referenced Microsoft KB article can be read here:


Elliott Roper

John Halloran said:
Computerworld posted an article about Office 2003 SP3 dropping support
for a number of file formats. Here is a quote that is of interest to
Word 2004 users:

"Word 2003 with SP3, in fact, blocks a staggering 24 former formats,
according to Microsoft, including the default word processing file
format for Office 2004 for Mac, the currently available edition of
Microsoft's application suite for Mac OS X."

The Computerworld article can be seen read here:


As usual, Computerworld is full of it. The MS KB article claims lack of
compatibility *prior* to Word 5.x which in the eyes of many of us old
curmudgeons, is the last version of Word that really worked. Even so,
it dates from the mid 1990's, not 2004.
Computerworld's comprehension skills are severely limited, as is common
among the set of lesser journalists.
The referenced Microsoft KB article can be read here:


....where even those of the meanest intelligence can read that the
default bork level is 101, well below the penultimate bork level of
268, which if you were a cynical journalist wanting to make the
opposite point to those poor sad souls at Computerworld, you could
write a headline "Word for Mac is the most secure format bar one"

I gotta say though that unannounced borking of this magnitude is
terminally brain-damaged. At a time when World+Dog is blithering about
the archive-ability of ancient document formats it is utterly
incomprehensible that MS would shoot itself so squarely in the foot.

Steve Ballmer is eating the seed-corn. That whole place has the air of
a paddle-steamer captain burning the piano for fuel. Short term
rapacity run riot. They have more than enough money and skill to fix
the vulnerability whatever it is in the old doc formats, yet they hang
their old customers out to dry. Or is that a ransom note I see?

John McGhie

Hi John:

This is just alarmist. Actually, the Computer World article is a terrible
beat-up, one of the worst pieces of rabble-rousing journalism I have seen
for a while.

I would suggest that you might want to be very careful not to diminish your
own reputation by quoting Computer World again.

They have found someone with an impressive title, but who has no clue about
the technical issues involved, and is being very economical with the truth
in order to push their particular agenda. What the hell is an "Evangelist"?
Last I heard, that was a kind of religious preacher who was paid to get
people to believe stuff that cannot be proven correct.

In this case, the man they are misquoting is a Windows Vista marketing droid
working for Microsoft, whose main purpose in life is to sow fear,
uncertainty and doubt about products that compete with Microsoft products.
His purpose is to scare corporate customers into purchasing new versions
that they do not need of Microsoft Products, and to scare them away from
alternative products. He may be from Head Office, but trust me, he is NOT
"here to help us" :)

They have quoted this ignoramus extensively, rather than doing their own
research. Computer World is obviously suffering a down-turn in circulation.
I wonder if that could be because the rest of the world has discovered they
have one or two problems with accuracy and comprehension in the stuff
they're writing about?

Of course, it may be that Microsoft PAID Computer World to publish this
rubbish. Naaah, they wouldn't do that, would they? You bet your bippy they
would... Microsoft is getting utterly desperate over Vista's "failure to
launch" and they will try anything at this stage...

They obviously needed to inflame the hell out ("beat-up" in industry jargon)
the story in order to attract attention to Computer World. Had they spent
five minutes carrying out a simple test, they would have discovered that
what their article says is not true. Chances are, they DID conduct this
test, but they have avoided correcting the article because that might hurt
their advertising sales.

The TRUTH is: Word 4 and 5 for Macintosh are the only file versions
affected, and they can easily and safely be re-enabled by the Windows user
if they need them.

If Computer World or anyone else is saying something different, we need to
ask WHY they would be saying something that the simple source checks they
should have learned in Journalism 101 would so easily discover is wrong :)

John, I know that you mean well, and I am very sorry that these dishonest
low-lifes have caused you so much embarrassment. I bet you are too.


Computerworld posted an article about Office 2003 SP3 dropping support
for a number of file formats. Here is a quote that is of interest to
Word 2004 users:

"Word 2003 with SP3, in fact, blocks a staggering 24 former formats,
according to Microsoft, including the default word processing file
format for Office 2004 for Mac, the currently available edition of
Microsoft's application suite for Mac OS X."

The Computerworld article can be seen read here:


The referenced Microsoft KB article can be read here:


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Phillip Jones

I hate to break it to You all But I am subscribed to computerworld, cNET
news and ZDnet News as well and they al three reported at about the same
time the same thing. Now I can't refuter what either you or Elliot or
the other know as the Truth. But fact is it was reported by all the
Major online News feed at about the same time.

And It would not surprise me if its so.

John said:
Hi John:

This is just alarmist. Actually, the Computer World article is a terrible
beat-up, one of the worst pieces of rabble-rousing journalism I have seen
for a while.

I would suggest that you might want to be very careful not to diminish your
own reputation by quoting Computer World again.

They have found someone with an impressive title, but who has no clue about
the technical issues involved, and is being very economical with the truth
in order to push their particular agenda. What the hell is an "Evangelist"?
Last I heard, that was a kind of religious preacher who was paid to get
people to believe stuff that cannot be proven correct.

In this case, the man they are misquoting is a Windows Vista marketing droid
working for Microsoft, whose main purpose in life is to sow fear,
uncertainty and doubt about products that compete with Microsoft products.
His purpose is to scare corporate customers into purchasing new versions
that they do not need of Microsoft Products, and to scare them away from
alternative products. He may be from Head Office, but trust me, he is NOT
"here to help us" :)

They have quoted this ignoramus extensively, rather than doing their own
research. Computer World is obviously suffering a down-turn in circulation.
I wonder if that could be because the rest of the world has discovered they
have one or two problems with accuracy and comprehension in the stuff
they're writing about?

Of course, it may be that Microsoft PAID Computer World to publish this
rubbish. Naaah, they wouldn't do that, would they? You bet your bippy they
would... Microsoft is getting utterly desperate over Vista's "failure to
launch" and they will try anything at this stage...

They obviously needed to inflame the hell out ("beat-up" in industry jargon)
the story in order to attract attention to Computer World. Had they spent
five minutes carrying out a simple test, they would have discovered that
what their article says is not true. Chances are, they DID conduct this
test, but they have avoided correcting the article because that might hurt
their advertising sales.

The TRUTH is: Word 4 and 5 for Macintosh are the only file versions
affected, and they can easily and safely be re-enabled by the Windows user
if they need them.

If Computer World or anyone else is saying something different, we need to
ask WHY they would be saying something that the simple source checks they
should have learned in Journalism 101 would so easily discover is wrong :)

John, I know that you mean well, and I am very sorry that these dishonest
low-lifes have caused you so much embarrassment. I bet you are too.


Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]




And from the other side of the proverbial coin... Perhaps all the sources
you refer to are publishing from the same MS press release/leak/plant:)

When's the last time you actually saw a "news item" presented from exactly
the same perspective by multiple reporters at the same time other than when
they have been handed prepared press releases? There's very little
*investigative* reporting done any longer. Their cushy offices are too comfy
to do much more than snag stuff off the 'net and - if their golf schedule
permits - reword things a bit so it sounds somewhat more "original". The
only research most of them do is by way of their built-in thesaurus.

Don't you find it just a little interesting that the "vulnerability" of the
earlier file formats wasn't serious enough to be addressed in such a severe
manner until *after* Vista & Office 2007 (sporting a new XML-based file
format) were released & ran up against intense resistance in the

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Elliott Roper

CyberTaz said:
And from the other side of the proverbial coin... Perhaps all the sources
you refer to are publishing from the same MS press release/leak/plant:)

Guys, guys! *I* am supposed to be the conspiracy theorist!
It's *my* foil beanie, and I'll wear it if I want to!
I don't have any inside information.
All Computerworld did was fail to read the quoted MS article carefully
Basic lack of reading comprehension.

Not that you needed to be that careful.

Computerworld apparently took the list of products with their "security
rating"' and interpreted as a list of broken formats.

If the rating is greater than 101, it is not considered vulnerable
enough to worry your pretty head about.

Word 2004 was listed as equal second least vulnerable.

Hopeless computer rag scribes is the only conspiracy going on here.

I still think MS made a mis-step in announcing they were discontinuing
Word 4 at this stage of their relationship with governments like
Norway's and France. What with the ODF fracas and all.

That's not conspiracy. It is brainless greed. They seem to be doing a
lot of that lately. They always did greed. It's the other thing.

Phillip Jones

then reading all the different post about it none were carbon copies but
had similar headlines (not identical) and none were verbatim of the
other but were covering the same subject.

AS I said, I can not prove or refute the accuracy. Just that they were
reported by 3 different agencies. ZDnet is Ziff-Davis Network which is
PC centric publication PC-User They sold all the rights to MacUser
years ago to MacWorld. I original was subscribed to both between
combining the times left om my Subscriptions to MacWorld and MacUser and
getting extensions each time I bought anew Mac product. My MacWorld is
due to Run out in 2012.
And from the other side of the proverbial coin... Perhaps all the sources
you refer to are publishing from the same MS press release/leak/plant:)

When's the last time you actually saw a "news item" presented from exactly
the same perspective by multiple reporters at the same time other than when
they have been handed prepared press releases? There's very little
*investigative* reporting done any longer. Their cushy offices are too comfy
to do much more than snag stuff off the 'net and - if their golf schedule
permits - reword things a bit so it sounds somewhat more "original". The
only research most of them do is by way of their built-in thesaurus.

Don't you find it just a little interesting that the "vulnerability" of the
earlier file formats wasn't serious enough to be addressed in such a severe
manner until *after* Vista & Office 2007 (sporting a new XML-based file
format) were released & ran up against intense resistance in the

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



Phillip Jones

Elliott said:
I still think MS made a mis-step in announcing they were discontinuing
Word 4 at this stage of their relationship with governments like
Norway's and France. What with the ODF fracas and all.

That's not conspiracy. It is brainless greed. They seem to be doing a
lot of that lately. They always did greed. It's the other thing.

That's typical Bill Gates isn't it. Its his way or his way. :)
Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



John McGhie

Hi Phillip:

CNet and ZDNet are the same thing, Computer World is part of the IDG stable.

But believe me, the article was re-written from the same press release by
someone who didn't understand it, in each case. Rewriting press releases is
the assignment they give to trainee journalists until they learn not to
believe in either Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy.

I used to be a journalist :)

However, if YOU simply read the Microsoft knowledgebase article, you will
instantly see that the ComputerWorld article CAN NOT be true :)

But we must not try to run off with Elliott's hat. He gets very emotional
if you steal that...


then reading all the different post about it none were carbon copies but
had similar headlines (not identical) and none were verbatim of the
other but were covering the same subject.

AS I said, I can not prove or refute the accuracy. Just that they were
reported by 3 different agencies. ZDnet is Ziff-Davis Network which is
PC centric publication PC-User They sold all the rights to MacUser
years ago to MacWorld. I original was subscribed to both between
combining the times left om my Subscriptions to MacWorld and MacUser and
getting extensions each time I bought anew Mac product. My MacWorld is
due to Run out in 2012.

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Clive Huggan


Don't you take one moment's notice of what these curmudgeons are saying. You
stick to your guns. And if the facts start to crumble, you gotta have
*faith*, my good man!

I exhort you thus because I realized, when I read your posts in this thread,
how sorely I have missed your skilled conspiracy spin -- it's a long time
since we've had a good one. :)

Just don't blame Bill any more: he's heavily into running the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. I've seen his eyes light up when he can get away from
talking IT strategy and talk about the Foundation. CEO Steve Ballmer is the
one you want. See what happens when you get another rag doll and pins and
call it Steve! ;-))



But we must not try to run off with Elliott's hat. He gets very emotional
if you steal that...

I was just trying it on for size... I'd had to use mine to wrap some
leftover Christmas ham;-)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Phillip Jones

Blamer is just a Gates Flunky. If gates says for him to jump 6 ft high
20 ft Down wind. He will jump 7 high and 21 ft down wind just to keep
his job.

Don't you believe all that charitable stuff. If he could own the world
he would. ;-)

Clive said:

Don't you take one moment's notice of what these curmudgeons are saying. You
stick to your guns. And if the facts start to crumble, you gotta have
*faith*, my good man!

I exhort you thus because I realized, when I read your posts in this thread,
how sorely I have missed your skilled conspiracy spin -- it's a long time
since we've had a good one. :)

Just don't blame Bill any more: he's heavily into running the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. I've seen his eyes light up when he can get away from
talking IT strategy and talk about the Foundation. CEO Steve Ballmer is the
one you want. See what happens when you get another rag doll and pins and
call it Steve! ;-))


Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



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