Word-2004: Copying UserForms to another template


George Markle

My brains are mush after trying for over a day to copy a userform from
one Word-2004 macro project to another template using the Organizer.
Macros copy fine but trying to copy a UserForm yelds the message "The
project item cannot be copied."

At first I thought the problem might be that the UserForm had been
created in a previous version (Word-X). But I tried creating a new
form with the current version and it doesn't copy either. Is anyone
else able to copy macro UserForms between templates with Organizer?
....or is there another way without using Organizer. (A macro to do it
doesn't work either.)

Howard Kaikow

If you already have a userform with that name in the target project, you
will not be allowed to copy.

I prefer to copy things as follows:

1. Open the source template.
2. Using the VBIDE, Export the Userform, Module or Class of interest.
3. Open the target template.
4. Using the VBIDE, Import the critters of interest.

George Markle

That would work well under Windows version but, unfortunately, I'm
using Word-2004 (Mac). Therein lies the fickletude. The IDE there
doesn't seem to have an export/import capability. (It works well on my
Windows machine though, thanks.)

Howard Kaikow

I wonder what excuse MSFT has for not including Export/Import in the VBIDE
for Office for the Mac?

Is Office 2004 still mired in VBA 5, instead of VBA 6.?

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