Word 2004 freezing clicking file - Open



Office 2004 (fully patched) on Leopard 10.5.5 (fully patched), Intel

In Word clicking File - Open causes the BBOD and freezes Word. Eventually a
window opens but it's the Finder window with empty columns that go off each
side to infinity (you can drag the window left or right and all it's just
empty column after column). The same thing happens if I go to Word
Preferences and click Documents/File Locations - Modify. I went to the
Library and ditched the Word pref file but that didn't solve the issue. If I
open a document any other way it works fine but somehow the location (or lack
thereof?) is causing Word to crash.


Thanks, Jim


If the OS X updates you've applied are the ones that have been fed to you by
Apple's Software Update you may not be as "fully patched" as you think. The
Combo Updates do a far more comprehensive job & will restore aspects of the
OS not touched by the SU version. The problems you're reporting are with
dialogs that simply are called by Word but are provided by OS X file
services. It's also possible that something in the system files has broken
since the last updates were applied.

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