Word 2004 notebook view reset formatting on separate tabs



So I just started using the notebook view to make my class outlines. I have
three tabs on the right, one for each class. Unfortunately, when I go to a
different tab to start an outline, Word wants to continue the numbering
pattern from my previous tab. Is there any way to reset this?

Here is my problem.

Tab 1 (Class 1)
I. asfasfasd
A. dsfsgsdfg
1. sdfdsfsdf
a. asasas
B. asdasd

Tab 2 (Class 2)
I. asfasdasd
C. sdfsdfsdf

(I don't want a C here. I want it to start again at A. What is the point of
having multiple tabs if the formatting carries over? Why should notes for one
class rely on the numbering left off at in another class?)

Any suggestions on how to reset. I right clicked and found a thing that says
rest numbering but it doesn't do anything.


How are you applying the numbering? If you're selecting the content & going
to Format> Bullets & Numbering make sure you select the option at the bottom
of the dialog to Restart Numbering. Although the document is divided into
Sections represented by the Tabs it is still one continuous document.

Even so, I'm not sure why the first level topic on Tab 2 would be numbered
"I" and the first subtopic beneath it would be a "C." ‹ I could understand
it if the first item on Tab 2 was being tagged as "C." as a continuation of
the list on the preceding Tab. If your depiction is accurate there may be
some degree of corruption in the file.

Try selecting the content on each Tab & turning off the Numbering. Then Save
the file & reapply the Numbering to each Tab's content by using the Format>
Bullets & Numbering menu command rather than the Formatting Palette to make
sure that Continue Previous isn't selected... You should just have to reset
it once to re-establish it as the default.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I will give that a try. Thank you for the help.
How are you applying the numbering? If you're selecting the content & going
to Format> Bullets & Numbering make sure you select the option at the bottom
of the dialog to Restart Numbering. Although the document is divided into
Sections represented by the Tabs it is still one continuous document.

Even so, I'm not sure why the first level topic on Tab 2 would be numbered
"I" and the first subtopic beneath it would be a "C." ‹ I could understand
it if the first item on Tab 2 was being tagged as "C." as a continuation of
the list on the preceding Tab. If your depiction is accurate there may be
some degree of corruption in the file.

Try selecting the content on each Tab & turning off the Numbering. Then Save
the file & reapply the Numbering to each Tab's content by using the Format>
Bullets & Numbering menu command rather than the Formatting Palette to make
sure that Continue Previous isn't selected... You should just have to reset
it once to re-establish it as the default.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

So I just started using the notebook view to make my class outlines. I have
three tabs on the right, one for each class. Unfortunately, when I go to a
[quoted text clipped - 20 lines]
Any suggestions on how to reset. I right clicked and found a thing that says
rest numbering but it doesn't do anything.

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