Just got a call from a newly converted Word user (from Appleworks). He
asked about a window that has irked me for years: the "Do you want to
rever to the saved xyz?"
If you have a Word doc open; it gets buried under other open windows,
you forget that it's open; and you then double click this doc's icon.
This Revert window then pops up.
I still don't know what it means. Which saved version? The last time
you hit Command-S? The last time the auto-save saved it? The last time
you opened it? Furthermore, if I guess wrong, will the changes I made
disappear forever?
But these questions aren't even the point. No other application does
this when you double click a doc icon that is already open. The
message is way too cryptic, and the results (I think) are too damaging
if you guess wrong. The message just isn't needed. If I want to revert
back to some other point in the save process, then there should be a
menu item for this. Not when you double click its icon. And even this
menu item should be very clearly laid out, something like "choose
which saved version you would like to revert to."
Been needing to get this one off my chest for years
Am I the only
one who thinks this window simply needs to disappear?
asked about a window that has irked me for years: the "Do you want to
rever to the saved xyz?"
If you have a Word doc open; it gets buried under other open windows,
you forget that it's open; and you then double click this doc's icon.
This Revert window then pops up.
I still don't know what it means. Which saved version? The last time
you hit Command-S? The last time the auto-save saved it? The last time
you opened it? Furthermore, if I guess wrong, will the changes I made
disappear forever?
But these questions aren't even the point. No other application does
this when you double click a doc icon that is already open. The
message is way too cryptic, and the results (I think) are too damaging
if you guess wrong. The message just isn't needed. If I want to revert
back to some other point in the save process, then there should be a
menu item for this. Not when you double click its icon. And even this
menu item should be very clearly laid out, something like "choose
which saved version you would like to revert to."
Been needing to get this one off my chest for years
one who thinks this window simply needs to disappear?