david toub
I figure that the revised Track Changes feature must consume a bit
more CPU and graphic processor time, since it has to draw all the
markup, etc. However, even short documents that are tracking changes
will frequently pause with a spinning beachball. It is helped a bit by
just showing Final rather Final plus Markup, but still, it's way slow.
I'm running an iBook 800 with 32 MB of VRAM and 640 MB of RAM.
Restarting, fixing permissions, etc. don't help, not surprisingly. Any
suggestions for how I can speed things up? Thanks!
more CPU and graphic processor time, since it has to draw all the
markup, etc. However, even short documents that are tracking changes
will frequently pause with a spinning beachball. It is helped a bit by
just showing Final rather Final plus Markup, but still, it's way slow.
I'm running an iBook 800 with 32 MB of VRAM and 640 MB of RAM.
Restarting, fixing permissions, etc. don't help, not surprisingly. Any
suggestions for how I can speed things up? Thanks!