Word 2007 Address Block and Suppress Blank Lines



I have several difficulties with Word 2007 and Merging
The Address Block when merged prints in 1.5 line spacing I can't make it
print single space.
I can't map the fields correctly because we use Prefix Fname LName Suffix
BusinessTitle Company Addr1 Addr2 City State Zip fields in my data. The
mapping choices don't accompdate this many fields (at least I can't see any
way to map and get the address block to display progerly)
I can't find anywhere/way to suppress blank fields (addr2) if I build my own
address block manually in the document. I did see one post about using
VisualBasic but I'm an enduser not a programmer.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Don't use teh Address Block. Just insert the individual merge fields that
you want to use in the configuration that you want them.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks Doug, I've done that. I build an address from my data fields. The
addr2 field is often empty (I'm exporting from a sql data file into excel and
the field as best as I can see is blank/empty when there is no actual second
line of address). Perhaps I was not clear? When there is nothing in addr2 I
get a blank line between addr1 and the city st zip line. Same thing happens
when the businesstitle is blank, I get a blank line between fname lname and
company. How do I tell the merge filed to suppress if there is no data in it?
Thise seemed to happen automatically in 2000.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You will need to use and If...then...Else field construction. There are
numerous posts in this newsgroup that contain examples of such

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks again Doug, I guess I just don't see the forest for the trees? I 've
looked through post of if else but don't see any pertaining to skipping a
blank field. All the examples I see skip / move on to the next record. I've
tried several search variations but come up blank (pun intented :) )

If anyone knows of such a post example I'd appreciate a heads up and/or
where on the MS help docs this might be addressed?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the post "Problems with IF statement" started by Joe Di Giulio on
11/8/2007 that was hijacked by Briza on 11/9/2007 to which both I and Graham
Mayor responded.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Doug, Thanks a million. This is exactly what I needed. Joes D's post flows
exactly as I would have struggled with the process.
Really great help -Thanks again


OK I spoke too soon. I found the post and examples of what I wnt to do but I
don't know how/where to writ the if statement? If I do it in the doc it's
just text. If I do in in the rule tool I can't figure out how to add the
merge fields?

Why did MS Office 2007 do away with the suppress blank line check box?


Graham Mayor

Why did MS Office 2007 do away with the suppress blank line check box?

It didn't - the mail merge helper which is still available in 2007, provides
this option.
How well it works in 2007 I hesitate to say - but it hasn't been removed.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


You can change the line spacing by selecting the fields and using the Word
2007 Home/Paragraph option. The suppress blank lines should be an option of
the AddressBlock field but for some reason Word 2007 has taken a step
backward. Putting in the individual fields is not the same as using the
AddressBlock as it includes foreign country address reformatting and local
country supression. Also, suggesting using IF is not an option for an end
user and I have had problems with the MailMergeHelper macro.

My conclusion is that an end user cannot use Word 2007 to print labels
correctly. I am happy to be corrected as I have been trying to do the same
thing myself. In the end I printed the labels with blank lines.


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