Word 2007, Alt+Shift+P keystroke opens up Windows Media Player


Pam Jones

Since I upgraded to Media Player 11, the keystroke Alt+Shift+P opens up
Windows Media Player in Word 2007, instead of inserting a Page Field and
Number in a Header. This has only happened since I upgraded to Windows Media
Player 11. I can't revert back to an earlier version because these upgrades
are done on-line and not as a download.

I've looked at the Macros and corresponding keystrokes in Word and
Alt+Shift+P is listed as the keystroke for a Page No. field. If the
keystroke wasn't listed, I was going to add it, but it's listed.

I'd be grateful for any help in resolving this.


Stefan Blom

Since there is some sort of a conflict, have you tried assigning a different
key combination than the default to the InsertPageField command?

Pam Jones

No I haven't yet. I have many macros and can't think of a key stroke
combination. I've used this short-cut for many years and I thought it would
complicate matters if I change existing macros. It still doesn't explain why
this is happening. Why is there a confict? They are both Microsoft products
and they should be compatible.

Microsoft should issue a new version of Media Player that solves this problem.


Stefan Blom

In principle, I agree with you: programs shouldn't mess with each others
settings. I'm just saying that choosing a different key combination would be
an easy workaround.

Tony Jollans

I'll go further than Stefan and say that WMP 11 is totally out of order.

I will try to find out more, but it does seem that you have little choice at
the moment but to use a different key combination in Word.

Tony Jollans

The Alt+Shift+P key combination appears to be registered and trapped by the
WMP 'toolbar'.

Right click on your taskbar and select "Toolbars". If you uncheck "Windows
Media Player" you should then be able to use Alt+Shift+P in Word again. The
only side effect of this appears to be that WMP no longer minimises to a
baby control on the taskbar - I don't know if you find that useful; if so,
you have a choice to make.

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