Word 2007 and Drawing Frustrations...



I am using word 2007, I would consider myself a word power user from
previous versions - I use word like others use Quark and Pagemaker ( I sent
back pagemaker after 6 months to revert to using word). however I am LOST
with this new version 2007.

I have an object "Microsoft Office Word Object" When I double click it to
edit it, it opens in a new window.

1. How do I get drawing tools to always show? I am editing a picture
object, but unless I am selecting a drawing object, the picture tools do not
2. Where is the option to use the mouse to select multiple objects by
drawing a bounding box around them?
3. Where is the box that pops up to say close drawing? It took me 20
minutes to realize I just had to close the window that I was looking at.
4. How do I get all my old toolbars to show? I have to click 2-3 times for
old commands that only took one click, because I have to select the
appropriate ribbon interface. Zheesh.

Thanks so much for any help you can give!



Hi Sam -

No doubt '07 does things a bit differently, but maybe it's just a matter of
getting used to it :) Hopefully the info interjected below will be useful;

SamWalt said:
I am using word 2007, I would consider myself a word power user from
previous versions - I use word like others use Quark and Pagemaker ( I sent
back pagemaker after 6 months to revert to using word). however I am LOST
with this new version 2007.

I have an object "Microsoft Office Word Object" When I double click it to
edit it, it opens in a new window.

1. How do I get drawing tools to always show? I am editing a picture
object, but unless I am selecting a drawing object, the picture tools do
not show.

I don't believe you can, but you can add the Shapes palette to the Quick
Access Toolbar to make it more convenient. Just go to the Insert tab on the
Ribbon, right-click the Shapes button & select Add to Quick Access Toolbar
2. Where is the option to use the mouse to select multiple objects by
drawing a bounding box around them?

It's on the Home tab of the Ribbon - at the right end you'll see a button
labeled Select, the Select Objects command is in there. It can also be added
to the QAT and there is another that you may not be familiar with... if you
go into the Customize QAT dialog & select All Commands from the list of
categories you'll find one called Select Multiple Objects. It brings up a
dialog listing all objects so you can select by way of checkboxes.
3. Where is the box that pops up to say close drawing? It took me 20
minutes to realize I just had to close the window that I was looking at.

Is this an object in a pre-existing Word doc? It sounds like one of the
older drawing objects & I haven't run across any of them in '07 as yet. My
guess about the lack of a Close Picture toolbar is that "toolbars" as we
knew them no longer exist, which leads into your next point...
4. How do I get all my old toolbars to show? I have to click 2-3 times
for old commands that only took one click, because I have to select the
appropriate ribbon interface. Zheesh.

Unfortunately those toolbars are simply not there, so you *can't* get them
to show unless you stay with 2003 or earlier. I find it awkward, myself, but
the more I use the new UI the more I come to understand it. I still can't
say I'm "comfortable" with it, but it gets better - especially once you
start to take advantage of what little customizability is left. You might
also try moving the QAT below the Ribbon, and I've found that turning the
Ribbon Off actually seems to help in my case.

Cindy M.

Hi SamWalt,
1. How do I get drawing tools to always show? I am editing a picture
object, but unless I am selecting a drawing object, the picture tools do not
Try the right-click menu
2. Where is the option to use the mouse to select multiple objects by
drawing a bounding box around them?
Home tab, Editing group, Select button, Select Objects menu entry.
3. Where is the box that pops up to say close drawing? It took me 20
minutes to realize I just had to close the window that I was looking at.
The old picture editor is no longer there, so that toolbar and button don't
4. How do I get all my old toolbars to show? I have to click 2-3 times for
old commands that only took one click, because I have to select the
appropriate ribbon interface. Zheesh.
If you still have an earlier version of Word, create a template with couple of
new toolbars and put the commands you want to use in there. (Make sure you save
these changes to that template). Now put this template in your STARTUP folder
and Word should load it - the toolbars will be in the Add-ins tab.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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