Word 2007 AutoText



I have set up various items under Gallery>AutoText. In Word 2003 AutoText
was offered as one typed but now this is not offered, I have to press type
the autotext entry and then press F3 to get it.

Is there a way to get AutoText offered automatically as you type?

Terry Farrell

That's how it is at the moment: AutoComplete has been removed except for
dates. However, I'm sure that the developers are aware of how displeased
most users are over this decision.


If they are not too long or numerous, add them to autocorrect instead. I
would not have recommended this on older computers, but it's a quick fix for
convenience sake now.


The more I see this type of posting the happier I am that I've stuck with
Word 2000.

Similarly (offtopic) Microsoft used to offer a brilliant development
environment called vb6 (progressively developed from earlier versions). Now
they have "improved" it to vb2005, and there is no backward compatibility

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