Word 2007 B2TR bug, how to report it?


Gary Mount

I found a reproducible bug in Word 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh.
To reproduce the bug do the following.
Type three paragraphs. Select the second paragraph and move it to the
desktop. Do not just copy it, but actually move it to the desktop.
Back in the document you now can not turn off the selection of text, unless
you start typing or close down the document.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Gary,

Interesting. 'Scrap' file types (.shs) have a history of causing odd things to happen in Word. Looks like it's keeping its track
record consistent :)

Since the MS Office 2007 feedback tool (Send a smile) is no longer available I've sent this in on your behalf through another route.

Thank you for reporting it :)

I found a reproducible bug in Word 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh.
To reproduce the bug do the following.
Type three paragraphs. Select the second paragraph and move it to the
desktop. Do not just copy it, but actually move it to the desktop.
Back in the document you now can not turn off the selection of text, unless you start typing or close down the document. >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System Beta

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

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