Word 2007 Beta - Line spacing


Jorge Bravo

Word seems to configured to space at 1.15 and "Add space after paragraph".

Although this is easy to change anytime, I don't see any way of configuring
it any other way so that I get 1.00 line spacing and no space after

Can you help?


You need to use the Format, Paragraph dialog - exactly the same as previous
version. Just click the ridiculously undersized arrow to the right of the
word PARAGRAPH on the ribbon.

Jay Freedman

One way is to go back to the settings used in Word 2003 and earlier.
In the Home ribbon, click the Change Styles button, click "Style set",
and choose Traditional. To make this the style set for the Normal.dot
template (i.e., for all new blank documents), click Change Styles
again and click Set as Default.

If all you want is to change the line spacing and space after in the
current style set, right-click the Normal style button in the ribbon
and choose Modify. In that dialog, click Format > Paragraph. Make the
changes. On the way out, if you want this to be the default, click the
option button "New documents based on this template" in the Modify
dialog. You may want to repeat this for other styles that aren't
directly based on Normal style.

Finally, you can save any set of altered styles by clicking Change
Styles > Style Set > Save as Quick Style Set.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Jay Freedman

Yes, it does. There are two slight differences:

- In the Outlook mail editor, the styles are on the Format Text ribbon
instead of the Home ribbon.

- The template for new mail messages is NormalEmail.dotm instead of
the Normal.dotm used by Word. That means you have to make the change
in both places separately.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

To get single spacing you can also used the 2007 MS provided
"Office Word 2003 Look" template (File(button)=>New=>Installed templates) for new documents to get 'single' spacing and some older
style defaults, and then keep the 'blank document' choice with its defaults.

Yes, it does. There are two slight differences:

- In the Outlook mail editor, the styles are on the Format Text ribbon
instead of the Home ribbon.

- The template for new mail messages is NormalEmail.dotm instead of
the Normal.dotm used by Word. That means you have to make the change
in both places separately.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System Beta

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

Jay Freedman

Hi Bob,

Hmm. I looked in the Installed Templates section of the dialog and didn't
find an Office Word 2003 Look template or anything remotely like it. I'm
away from that machine now, but I'll check the installer tonight to see if
it loaded everything.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

Interesting. After installing Office 2007 Gold the template
Office Word 2003 Look.dotx is in the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1003 folder dated with the 10/26/2006 stamp. In the
Cab file & \MSOCache it's Wordlook.dot_1033.

Hi Bob,

Hmm. I looked in the Installed Templates section of the dialog and didn't
find an Office Word 2003 Look template or anything remotely like it. I'm
away from that machine now, but I'll check the installer tonight to see if
it loaded everything.

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