Hi Eheth,
AutoText is just one of several built-in galleries (groupings) within Word 2007. The default 'gallery' choice when adding new
content matches the gallery you choose when you want to add the new entry.
'Quick Parts' is the gallery related to Insert=>QuickParts
(although there is also a 'Building Block' gallery that attaches the 'Quick Parts' gallery to an in-document content control)
If you are using, for example, the 'Cover Page' dialog to add a selection from your document as a building block the 'Cover Page'
gallery is what shows up as the default.
The AutoText gallery does not appear in the ribbon, but can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
Right click on the QAT, choose 'Customize...'.
Choose 'All Commands' then 'Autotext'. If you then select text in the document and choose the AutoText Gallery, the default choice
will be to add it to the AutoText 'gallery'
The default template is the global (available in all documents) one, Building Blocks.dotx. This approach is similar to when you add
a new style or macro, the default choice is the global document template for text, 'Normal.dotm'
If you use building block template names such as
1. Quickparts
2. Business stuff
etc, when you're adding a new entry you can use the shortcut key in the dialog of AltS,2 and jump to that template (i.e. it jumps to
the first letter/number match in the list).
Is there a way to change the defaults in the Create New Building Block
dialog box? I always want to save to Autotext, rather than the
default Quick Parts, and I always want to save to a different template
than Building Blocks.dotx. It would be great if I didn't have to
change those each time I input a new entry.
Thanks for any help!>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*