Word 2007: cannot display Style & Formatting window



Clicking on the Style window launcher, using shortcut keys does not cause
this window to display.
I am working on files that I upgraded to Word 2007 from 2003, and have added
in templates.
However, when I create a virgin Word 2007 file I still cannot get this
window to appear.
Also, the file Properties window will not display. (Menu
I have uninstalled and reinstalled MS Office 2007 Pro along with SP1. I have
done repairs and updates from MS to no avail.

Terry Farrell

Uninstalling/reinstalling Office rarely solves any problems because registry
settings, macros, add-ins, templates, printer driver nor anything else that
can affect Word is changed.

Test again in Word Safe Mode and let us know the results. From Start | Run
(Winkey+R), type in

winword /a

and press enter. Test to see if ctrl+shft+alt+S works now.


Hello Terry,

Your "fix" worked. I can display the Styles window in safe mode. Now then,
why can't I do this when I open a Word file in normal mode?


Terry Farrell

Almost certainly you have a third party add-in that is messing with Word. So
check what add-ins are installed and disable them. If disabling them
resolves the problem, re-enable them one at a time to find the culprit. Then
go to the support site for the add-in app and see if they have an update.



Hello again,

I still cannot display the Styles pane unless I run Word safe mode. (Also
the same for the Properties pane.)
I have no add-ins that are not from MicroSoft.
Tell me how to send you an attachment and I will send you a screenshot of my
Word add-ins.

Please advise.

Terry Farrell

Screenshot is not necessary. This is not a Word problem. It has to be
something that you have installed on your computer that is breaking Word.
You must have overlooked something. Check the Word Start-up folder, check
for add-ins by disabling them all, check for COM add-ins, check for macros.
Check Add/Remove programs top see if you can see something that integrates
with Office or Word. If Word works in Safe Mode, Word is not the problem.


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