WORD 2007: Can't automatically update Normal style using macro



I'm desperate. Can Suzanne S. Barnhill or someone update her comments in
"Formatting applied to one paragraph affects the entire document." I am
using Word 2007 and cannot get the VBA macro to work. I followed the
instructions at
http://word.mvps.org/faqs/formatting/WholeDocumentReformatted.htm, but when
I hit "Enter," the cursor just goes to the next line. So I exited VBA, which
took me back to the document, I saved it, and the problem remains.

I would appreciate any help at all. I cannot work with Word changing things
willy-nilly like this.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Is it paragraphs to which the normal style is applied that are changing, or
do they has some other style applied to them.

If you inserted that command into the immediate window and pressed enter,
the command would have been executed and the automatic updating of the
normal style would have been set to false.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via msnews.microsoft.com

Stefan Blom

When you press Enter after having typed

ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).AutomaticallyUpdate = False

in the Immediate window, automatic updating will be turned off for the
Normal style, but note that this doesn't remove any unwanted changes already
saved to the style. You may have to modify the style to get the look that
you want.

Also, note that if automatically update has been turned on for other styles,
you will have to deal with those styles separately (use the Modify Style
dialog box).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

To add to what Doug and Stefan have said, before you assume that automatic
updating is your problem (especially if you have pasted content from the
Web), turn on the display of nonprinting characters and make sure that you
are actually dealing with separate paragraphs and not a single long
paragraph connected by line breaks.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


Thanks, Doug, Stefan, and Suzanne. I'll go back and try again and watch
carefully. I'm not pasting from the Web, but maybe there are soft returns
there instead of hard returns -- I'll check that out.

I also don't know if this problem is related, but when I work in one
document and have everything formatted in 12-pt Arial, then cut and paste
that material into another document, definitely in its own paragraph (i.e., I
have used hard returns), everything that was bold in the 1st document is
roman in the 2nd, and everything that was roman is bold. The pasted-in
material is also 16 point instead of 12 pt. I have my Word Options,
Advanced, Cut and Paste settings set to "Match Destination Formatting, but
the destination document (2nd doument) is also Arial 12 pt.

Is this related to my problem with Normal style or an entirely different

Thanks again to all for your help.


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